Looking for YouTube Affiliate program?

You are not going to find a YouTube affiliate program. Why? Because it does not exist. Yup!!Its true. They do have a YouTube partner program which helps you in earning money.

First of all lets see the difference between a partner program and affiliate program.

Partner Program - YouTube is a video sharing website. And its for free. Anyone can sign up for YouTube and start posting video. Iin YouTube Partner program you are only partnering up with you tube so that they can advertise in your video channels or videos.

This is what it means

You post a video and monetize it.  YouTube partners up with you and puts up ads on your video channel. They help you earn money by it through Google AdSense. If you want to know about YouTube partner program click on the link.

Affiliate Program - Affiliate program is not like partner program. Affiliate program is nothing but selling someone else's product for a commission. Some of the companies who provide affiliate programs are Clickbank, Amazon, Flipkart etc. I am a affiliate marketer myself. You can check the review I wrote on one amazing affiliate program called Empower network.

Well!!So stop looking for YouTube affiliate program because google had stopped their affiliate programs long time ago. Sorry to disappoint you but that the truth. :)

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